Contributing to ConPagnon

Makes changes to the code

ConPagnon is a open-source Python library and anyone can contribute to it, adding functionality, or tailored some algorithm to your own study with some functionality that is too specific to end up in the official repository.

Forking and cloning

Make sure you have Git installed in your system. Once you have set up Git, please go the official GitHub repository and hit the Fork button in the top right corner. If you have any trouble, do not hesitate to report to the official instruction on how to fork a repository on GitHub. This step then open your fork page. It’s like you own safe copy of the folder containing the full code of ConPagnon. Now you can work on your own copy using the following command lines:

git clone
cd conpagnon
git remote add upstream
git fetch --all

The third line sets-up a read-only connection to the main ConPagnon repository. This will allow you to update whenever you need your local code with changes in the official ConPagnon repository. The final command fetches both your repository and the upstream ConPagnon repository.

Create a Branch

It’s good practice, that every changes you made are made inside a branch. To create a branch, enter the following command lines:

git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master
git checkout -b your-new-feature-name

Those command ensure you are starting from an up-to-date version of the official ConPagnon repository, and finally create a new branch.

git branch

will output the following scheme:

* your-new-feature-name

to indicate that you are now on a new branch, named after your-new-features-name.

Making changes

You are ready to make new changes. The only rules is to keep your changes in your branches. Every time you modify a file you can see the changes your made by entering the following command line:

git status

Pushing your modifications

Once your are satisfied of the changes your made, and if it’s the first time you’ve made changes, please enter the following command line:

git push

and, for all the other time you want to push changes:

git push --set-upstream origin your-new-feature-name

that tell git to set the current branch to track its corresponding branch in your github repository.

You can see the remote repositories by

git remote -v

Pull Requests

When you final and definitive changes are committed to your repository, you are ready to make a pull request, and ask for a code review by maintainers of ConPagnon. Please follow the below instructions to make a pull request:

  1. Navigate to your repository on github.

  2. Click on Branch List

  3. Click on the Compare button for your feature branch, your-new-feature-name.

  4. Select the base and compare branches, if necessary.

  5. Check the overview of your changes

Now you can make a pull request.

  1. Navigate to your own repository on github.

  2. Click on the Pull Request button.

  3. Write a description of your changes in the Preview Discussion tab.

  4. Click Send Pull Request.

Your request will then be reviewed. If you need to go back and make more changes, you can make them in your branch and push them to github and the pull request will be automatically updated.